
Certification Work Under Various Laws

Among the most comprehensive and important professional services is the problem of certificates to the client needed for various reasons under specific applicable rules and regulations. Broadly speaking, the following styles of certificates are provided by the business houses on the basis of their constitution / privileges that they enjoy under the legislation, contractual contracts with the contractual entity, advantages & deductions to be sought under the statute and regular accordance with the applicable rules & regulations.

Commonly, the foregoing types of certificates are required to carry out commercial operations in India:

  • Certificates to endorse financial reports and regular financial reports.
  • Certificates on the basis of legislative documents kept in compliance with the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and other relevant rules.
  • Certification of statutory liabilities.
  • Certification of the Fare Values of the Securities of the Group for the purpose of merger / de-fusion, Buy Out, Allocation of new stock and transition of securities from resident to non-resident.
  • Certificates for overseas remittances provided by a citizen of India to an overseas individual outside India 195 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Net Value Certificates required for Bank Finance, Bank Guarantee and Visa Embassy issuance.
  • Certification of arm's length level u /s 92 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Certificate of usage of different funds to be discharged by the State. From India to NGOs, regulatory agencies, independent entities and voluntary organizations.
  • Certificates to assert various limitations & privileges under specific laws & regulations.
  • Certification under federal tax regulations for various exemptions, etc.
  • Transfer pricing certificate
  • Certification of indirect taxation.
  • Certification under Exchange Control regulations on imports, remittances, ECB, DGFT, EOU, etc.

What ASPA Offers

We have been undertaking certification work assignments beyond different industry sectors such. We have been strongly involved in all type of certification work. We honor ourselves on a practical, ethical and professional access to all certification work issues. Our job is to operate in the long term interests of our company, to give the best advice, to prevent conflicts of interest and to behave in integrity at all occasions with the business and the tax authorities on the ethical code of conduct.