
Copyright is a kind of legal security for property produced by original inventions such as trademarks and patents through the sense of their legal right to use, transmit or sell all sorts of artistic arts such as music tracks, pieces of literature, etc. initially formed by anybody, including people, businesses, etc. Original works of authorship such as creative works (including electronic applications, tables and remixes), tragic, harmonic and imaginative works, video and audio recordings. The ability to print, modify, interpret and connect to the public always lies with the copyright holder.

In India, Copyrights are listed under the Copyright Act, 1957. The Copyright Act, 1957 does not take into consideration inventions, scientific principles or methods. This implies that concepts can not be copyrighted; only words may be covered under copyright Copyright is the privilege granted by statute to writers of literature, theatrical, musical and creative works and creators of film and sound recordings. Among other issues, the privileges of copying, correspondence to the media, modification and dissemination of the work together constitute copyright. There may be minor differences in the structure of the rights based on the work.

Documents Required for Copyright

  • Name, nationality & address of work’s author.
  • Name, address and nationality of the applicant.
  • Applicant’s interest in the copyright i.e. Owner / Licensee etc.
  • Title of the work.
  • In case the applicant is a different person, a declaration from the author.
  • Work’s language.
  • A declaration, whether the work is published or unpublished.
  • If the work is published, country & year of first publication along with nationality, name & address of the publisher.
  • Year and countries of subsequent publications, if any.
  • The identity, address and nationality for any other person allowed to award or license copyright rights.
  • Unique Power of Attorney for Business.
  • Seven hard copies of the job and three gentle copies (for electronic applications–3 versions of the software on CD-ROMs).

Which should be protected by copyright?

Pursuant to Indian copyright legislation, four forms of work can be covered

  • Original Literary Work
  • Original Dramatic Work
  • Specific Musical Work
  • Specific Artistic work
  • Evidence is as follows:
    • Literary work (i.e. books, documents, notices, scripts, etc.)
    • Cinematographic film and photographs.
    • Computer program&software.
    • Architectural works.
    • Sound recording (i.e. song, record, cassette, CD, etc.)
    • Artistic work (i.e. Logo, design, etc.).
    • Web content, websites, blogs, etc.
    • Artistic work (i.e. Logo, design, etc.).
    • Dramatic and musical work (i.e. skit, play, movie, etc.).

The registration of copyright is recommended as it helps in protection against infringement; the process of registration is outlined in a separate tab above. We are a professional in copyright protection and we follow a straightforward pricing approach that is set and definite and the same for all our clients. We don't have a discount scheme. They also supported a variety of businesses of various types and industries.